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Start saving in four simple steps

  1. Download the free app
  2. Create your account in less than a minute
  3. Scan the product barcodes to compare prices between supermarkets in your area
  4. Compare and find the best deals available to save more money every week

Start saving with PingPrice™ now.

Save on your shopping every week

PingPrice™ analyzes the prices of most major Belgian brands on a daily basis.

You have the most up-to-date information to help you find the best prices and make immediate savings.

You can even save your favorite items to receive notifications as soon as prices change or goods are on special offer.

  • Daily price updates
  • Information on promotions
  • Discount notifications

We collect anonymous data

When we collect data about our users, it is immediately anonymized and your contact details (e.g. email address, zip code) are never disclosed to third parties or used by PingPrice™ partners to contact you personally.

So rest assured, everything is secure according to current European GDPR regulations.

Scan, Compare, Save, Smile!

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